Okay, so snacksby.
For several hundred years I've struggled with the problem "I've got such and such and such and such in my fridge, what can I make with it?", and hopefully I've now fixed that problem for myself. And maybe for you, too? At the very least I've helped clutter the internet up a bit more.
This blog is here because It's The Cool Thing To Do If Your Site Has Rounded Corners, and maybe it will Facilitate User-Developer Conversation and Create Ideas and all of that positive-flow-of-ch'i kind of stuff. Also, Snacksby is broke like whoa all over the place and you needta let me know where, because god knows after so long of working on it I pretty much hate its (kludgy) guts, and am loathe to find myself QAing it.
Anyway, on that positive note, let me know what you think about Snacksby and what it needs blah blah and we'll see what's what.
For several hundred years I've struggled with the problem "I've got such and such and such and such in my fridge, what can I make with it?", and hopefully I've now fixed that problem for myself. And maybe for you, too? At the very least I've helped clutter the internet up a bit more.
This blog is here because It's The Cool Thing To Do If Your Site Has Rounded Corners, and maybe it will Facilitate User-Developer Conversation and Create Ideas and all of that positive-flow-of-ch'i kind of stuff. Also, Snacksby is broke like whoa all over the place and you needta let me know where, because god knows after so long of working on it I pretty much hate its (kludgy) guts, and am loathe to find myself QAing it.
Anyway, on that positive note, let me know what you think about Snacksby and what it needs blah blah and we'll see what's what.
Snacksby does not seem to understand my items
"slice of cheese"
"bottle of beer"
"half a chicken"
Do you have any plans to attempt to add natural language support capable of understanding my ingredients?
I think you'll need something like this, since there are many synonymous culinary terms, and your users will need a very friendly interface.
That said, Snacksby is a really awesome idea, and I hope you are successful!
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