Thursday, June 22, 2006


things to do:

  • make ingredients/recipes editable by the people who made them

  • make adding info to ingredients/recipes work better

  • allow recipe importing from various formats

  • make substitutions work better

  • fix up the tour

  • confirmation if you're adding a blank ingredient

  • ...get ready for work right now

also: what do you guys think about pantry? i've heard word it isn't something people who speak english who aren't americans know. feedback?


Blogger Pauly said...

I don't use it but I understand it... we used to say "larder" when I was young, but no-one has a larder now.

5:55 AM  
Blogger Claire said...

I'm Canadian and I know the word Pantry. Isn't there some brand of food with the word Pantry in the name somewhere? Like Golden Pantry or something?? Oooh... pantry pantry pantry... it doesn't make sense to me anymore!

8:05 AM  
Blogger Dahl said...

love the idea (came by it via lifehacker), and i use yahoo myweb for saving links, not delicious, so i would recommend adding a myweb button as well.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Frank said...

Claire, I believe you're thinking of Plaid Pantry (a decidedly not plaid variety of convenience stores).

What about adding the concept of yield? As in "I need to serve five people a main dish"? I guess you could use weight as a guesstimate?

4:46 PM  
Blogger lauren said...

I wonder

1. why ingredients can't be editable by anyone? like wiki? because otherwise you're likely to get lots of duplicates. I originally thought recipes too, but there are variations on recipes and you don't want people to edit back and forth and back and forth; better to force duplicates of recipes, I think.

2. Can we have an optional box and an approximately box when adding ingredients to recipes?

3. This ROCKS.

6:58 PM  

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