Snacksby API! Google Homepage Module!
Heeyyyyooooo here comes some new Snacksby new stuff ice cream van! First up we've got a REST API, with all kinds of ingredient/recipe/tag search functionality. Develop some stuff for it or let me know what you need and I'll improve it!
What's that? I don't trust you? You're right! I went and made a google homepage module just so the API would be useful! Also let me know if you'd like me to attach anything to that. Coming soon should be a netvibes one, since I think everyone I know actually uses Netvibes and not Google...
Oh and here's a nice clicky-button you can click to add it to your Google homepage:
What's that? I don't trust you? You're right! I went and made a google homepage module just so the API would be useful! Also let me know if you'd like me to attach anything to that. Coming soon should be a netvibes one, since I think everyone I know actually uses Netvibes and not Google...
Oh and here's a nice clicky-button you can click to add it to your Google homepage:
My personal favorites are Pageflakes and Netvibes. At the moment I prefer Pageflakes because it offers you a feature to share your pages with friends and colleagues. I think that’s a very useful and powerful feature and adds a whole new dimension to collaborative work.
I just took a gander at Pageflakes, and it doesn't look so bad. I'd place money on a module for that and Netvibes appearing in the next 2 or 3 days.
i'm still trying to think of some useful applications for it, besides the webpage modules. maybe an sms interface? who knows?
anyway, thanks for your hard work!
Dude! is stealing your ideas!!
Crush them with your REST API, do it now!
they registered their domain on june 20th, which is the same day i released snacksby! i'm not worried at all, though, i think we cater to different markets. do i use the internet too much when i think someone who is a search engine marketer mentioning another site on my blog means that they're some sort of astroturfer?
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