Sunday, September 10, 2006


Success!: Now when you're inputting a recipe you can do an amazon-supported search to find the cookbook it's from, so it'll pop up with a nice little image when you view the recipe. Aaaaand if someone buys it then I get a kickback! Give me a bit and you'll also be able to browse recipes by cookbook sources.

Failure!: You know how I asked about NYC? Well, there's a lil' thing called freshdirect that does grocery delivery. I hacked up a nice little script to allow you to add items to your freshdirect cart from your shopping list on Snacksby, but it turns out even their website doesn't allow session hijacking, which was how you were going to take over Snacksby's freshdirect shopping cart. That's fine enough, I suppose, so people don't steal your credit card info or something, but it sure did make all of my work for nothing - maybe if you plead real nice they'll let sessions get stolen for not-logged-in users? Anyway, that's what I've been working on recently, sucks it didn't work out.

I guess I'll try to hook into Amazon's services or something... Anyone use any other online grocery services?


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